Monday, December 11, 2006

The birth of the organization: Prolife Dads

This is the post that will start it all for the organization. Welcome to Prolife Dads. The site, Prolife Dads, will be available before the New Year of 2007 begins. It will be seen at,, and I eventually want to host the blog myself at one of the URLs that I own. For now, this will allow me to get started. I have been waiting to create the site and the organization for ages. The webpage has sat idle for almost a year. I finally am taking off the week of Christmas to develop the initial site. The genesis of the website and the organization is finally underway. If you have any comments or suggestions about the type of content you would like to see, feel free to let me know. If you see spelling or grammatical errors on the blog or the site when it is available for public consumption, do feel free to contact me, so I can correct the errors.

This will be not only the personal story of myself, but far more importantly, the story of prospective fathers who almost were. The only authority that I have here is in telling my own story, about the dad I almost was, before my child was lost to an abortion that I opposed, but could not prevent. I am not sure yet exactly where this site will go and how far it will reach. However, I will follow my heart, conscience, and my mind, to see what happens. I openly welcome suggestions.

By the way, I still frequently think about the lost potential of my child, the child who almost was. My child may not have been allowed to be born into this world, but my baby WAS a person, an innocent baby, and NOT a valid choice to terminate. My lost child, who is forever cherished within my heart, will always be a person, and will be waiting to meet me in Heaven one day. The memory of a lost child lives on, and so I correct myself, and say that my unborn, lost child IS, and can never be said to be someone who "ALMOST WAS." My child was never allowed an earthly birth, still, my life was touched and hearts were changed, forever, and not merely my own life, but the lives of potential grandparents, as well. They felt the loss, too.

Today, thanks to the love of my nearly two-year old son, I am not only a father, but a daddy, too. Through the heartaches that were and may come, life is still very good. I am blessed by God far beyond anything I will ever deserve.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for the site, which I expect to bring online in a few weeks. Merry Christmas, and may God bless you.
